Full Spectrum Dominance 1.3

Well, I skipped the 1.2 post but here we are, with all the updates from 1.1 (as mentioned in this post) to 1.3! 1.1 -> 1.2: – Added (temporary) section for the Corps, plus cards – Added (temporary) section for the Conglomerate, plus cards – Added...

A Gaming Table… with Comforts!

Jonathon Davison went full-in for this custom build for Full Spectrum Dominance. Since the panels he bought were a bit longer than the standard 90 cm (or 3 feet) that a FSD table required, he decided to embed in the extra space the slots for Activation Dice and a...

FSD at Solaris IV

Adam from 6mm Wargames brought a demo table of FSD to a local convention in Poznan, Poland: 8 Zlot Solaris IV. With his fully painted table and armies he has become a FSD ambassador, and is almost single-handedly creating a community in poland, which is invaluable for...

A full east-Asian table

I remember when Finepoint (Chris Charron) uploaded the first pictures of the Asian City on MyMiniFactory a couple of years ago – we were in awe. Now, he has finished a full table, adding Radio Telescopes, a School Ground and various bits and bobs from our range....

A Colourful Happy City

Most of wargaming is about death and destruction. Even the name of our game is not hinting to the most blissful of universes. However, what Kay-Yong Mohr did with our range of terrain shows that the limit of creativity is imagination – and a good paintjob. Among...